“…Surface horizons of Jaybee and Trocken show greater Ag TE , Ba TE , Cd TE , Co TE , Cr TE , Cu TE , Hg TE , Mn TE , Ni TE , Pb TE , V TE , Tl TE , and Zn TE than soil‐type specific (Epot, fine‐silty, mixed, superactive, mesic Typic Natrargids, and Calneva, fine, smectitic, mesic Typic Natrargids) and facility‐wide maximum background concentrations, with Cd TE , Cu TE , Hg TE , Pb TE , Tl TE , and Zn TE also greater than regional maximum background concentrations (U.S. Army Environmental Center, 1996), suggesting these trace element levels are in part potentially associated with site activities. Levels of Ba TE , Co TE , Cu TE , and Mn TE in surface horizons of Jaybee and Trocken may be related in part to their naturally occurring levels, as evidenced in the bordering Skedaddle Mountains wilderness study area (Adrian et al, 1987) and Western Smoke Creek Desert (Sturmer et al, 2007). Geologic and geochemical evidence also suggest this area had potential enrichment of Ag, Au, Hg, and Sb (Diggles et al, 1988).…”