Semiquantitative spectrographic analyses for 30 elements, atomic absorption analyses for bismuth, copper, gold, lead, and zinc, and colorimetric analyses for molybdenum and tungsten, all made on 229 rock samples from the Virgilina copper district and vicinity, North Carolina-Virginia, are reported here in detail. Localities for all samples are given in latitude and longitude. Brief sample descriptions are included. Rocks analyzed include granite, greenstone, various metavolcanic rocks, metasediments, and vein quartz. Gold i;s present in amounts ranging from 0.02 parts per million (ppm) to 15 ppm in 71 samples and is detectable but less than the limit of determination (0.02 ppm) in the rest of the samples. A few samples contain small amounts of bismuth, molybdenum, and tin. Cll 1-m chip sample, greenstone containing light-gray fragmental layers and one cross-cutting quartz vein 2.5 cm thick; sample from west side of cut. C12 0.6-m chip sample, mixed greenstone and quartz; east side of old shaft. CIS 1-m chip sample, vein quartz containing minor greenstone; south wall of old shaft and in main ore vein. C14 0.6-m chip sample, greenstone, minor silicified zones about 5 cm thick; west wall of old shaft. C15 0.6-m chip sample, gray phyllite. C16 Composite sample, quartz vein, 2-7 cm thick, minor clay and limonite. C17 1-m chip sample, greenish-gray schist, minor amounts of vein quartz. CIS 0.3-m chip sample, vein quartz containing minor amount of schist. C19 0.3-m chip sample, vein quartz; sheared, containing minor amounts of chlorite, hematite, and gray phyllite. C20 0.3-m chip sample, greenstone, light-greenish-gray, contains a few 1-2 cm quartz-chlorite lenses. C21 0.3-m chip sample, silicified greenstone and one-third vein quartz. Luce-Howard mine (C22-C28): C22 0.6-m chip sample, vein quartz, contains chlorite and gray phyllite. C23 0.6-m chip sample, vein quartz, contains chlorite and gray phyllite. C24 0.2-m chip sample, vein quartz, sheared, contains some gray phyllitic greenstone. C25 1.3-m chip sample, olive-gray greenstone saprolite. C26 1.3-m chip sample, similar to C25 but east of C24. C27 0.2-m chip sample, greenstone and vein quartz. C28 1-m chip sample, vein quartz, sheared. Redbank mine: C29 Composite sample, unweathered, moderate-greenish-gray greenstone from dump near old stamp mill. Luce-Howard mine (C30-C38): C30 0.3-m chip samples, vein quartz, sheared, contains chlorite. C31 1.3-m chip sample, olive-gray greenstone saprolite. C32 1.3-m chip sample, olive-gray greenstone saprolite, contains four 1-3 cm quartz veins. C33 1.3-m chip sample, greenish-gray schist containing vein quartz and pyrite. C34 1-m chip sample, greenish-gray schist, minor pyrite. C35 0.3-m chip sample, vein quartz and schist. C36 1.3-m chip sample, schistose, felsic to mafic, fragmental rock, contains minor amounts of pyrite (?), weathered. C37 0.3-m chip sample, vein quartz, sheared. C38 0.6-m chip sample, greenstone, footwall of sample 37. C39 3-m chip sample, vein quartz. C40 1-m chip sample, vein quartz. C41 1-m chip sample...