Most frequency-dependent AVO inversions are currently based on an approximate equation derived using an isotropic medium. However, actual reservoirs usually show anisotropy, such as shale reservoirs, tight sandstone reservoirs and fractured reservoirs. We propose a joint frequency-dependent AVO (JFAVO) inversion in an anisotropic medium based on a periodic layered double-porosity medium. This JFAVO will allow us to quantitatively study the influence of fluids on the dispersion of PP- and PS-wave velocities and anisotropic parameters. First, we used a double-porosity medium to analyse the frequency-dependent characteristics of velocities and anisotropy parameters. We found that the anisotropic parameters show obvious dispersions, similar to those of velocities. Then, we derived the JFAVO inversion based on Rüger's equation to extract the dispersion of velocities and anisotropic parameters. Finally, we analysed the stability and applicability of the inversion algorithm, and used three sets of models to analyse the sensitivity of dispersion properties to fluids. The numerical analysis results show that PP-wave velocity dispersion and anisotropic parameter δ dispersion are sensitive to fluids, whereas, the velocity dispersion of the PS-wave is not. When saturation exceeds 80%, the velocity dispersion and anisotropic parameter dispersion properties are not sensitive to fluids.