Very few research workers have published analytical data on several individual carbohydrates or groups of carbohydrates in a certain vegetable material. Ekelund (1949)
ExperimentalThe present work describes the determination of carbohydrates as the following fractions: 1) monosaccharides, 2) di-, and oligosaccharides, 3) fructosan, 4) starch.5) hemicellulose, 6) cellulose, and 7) uronides. The first six groups are determined successively on the same sample, and the final residue of the treatments is considered to be lignin. The purpose of this work was to develop a system of analysis with which the fractionation performed would involve only a moderate amount of work. In addition to the above mentioned fractionation the following determinations have been made: crude fat, crude protein, ash, and nitrogen-and carbohydrate-free organic matter soluble in cold water. In an alternative system monosaccharides, sucrose, and fructosan are determined as a group. This paper gives only the outlines of the study since it will be described later in greater detail.
MethodsMono-, di-, and oligosaccharides.A sample of 1 g is extracted with 80 % ethanol in the Soxhlet apparatus for five hours. The ethanol is removed under reduced pressure at 25-30°, and the residue is filtered through a filter paper and washed with water. The volume is adjusted to 100 ml (or 200 ml). 50 ml of the filtrate is purified and deionized by shaking it mechanically with a mixture of Duolite A-7 and Duolite C-3 (2 g of each resin) for an hcur. The purified filtrate is analyzed