Abstract. The paper presents an approach to perform post-hoc analysis of RoboCup Soccer Simulation 3D teams via log files of their matches and to learn a model to classify them not only as being strong, medium or weak but also through their game playing styles such as frequent kickers, frequent dribblers, heavy/lean attackers, etc. The learned model can then be used to further cluster teams to predict game style of similar opponents. We have applied the presented approach to 22 teams from RoboCup 2011 in a fully automated fashion and the results show the validity of our approach. The synergetic effect of these individual actions would emerge as a team strategy and would reveal the quality of the team. This paper presents a novel framework that analyzes key agent behaviors in RoboCup Soccer Simulation 3D[6] using a set of pre-defined rules and classifies a team based upon these extracted team quality features. Team quality features were identified by a group of experts and extraction of these features is automated via a parser application. These features include team players positioning, frequency of players in attacking region, ball possession, average velocity of team players, frequency of kicks executed by teams, shots attempted towards goal etc. Once a team is classified upon its strength parameters then grouping of teams that play similar is done via clustering that would aid in counter strategy formulation against similar opponents. The major