This report aims to reveal the actual situation and characteristic tendency of leisure activities in neighboring districts in differing communities. For this, the authors traced the changes in trends and characteristics of leisure activities of the community residents based on the time-sequential investigations and analyses conducted regarding leisure activities in 1975, 1990, and 2005. With a particular focus on neighboring district, analysis is performed from both the viewpoints of the time spent on leisure activity and number of leisure activity items, and its relation with facility use distance. The result has revealed matters including the following: 1) It was proven from the time-sequential changes of leisure activities that the neighboring districts serve as a major activity space in which a number of leisure activities take place daily. 2) Different age brackets show remarkably different activity characteristics and in addition, the two communities have distinct activity characteristics. 3) It was demonstrated that a particular relationship can be found between leisure activities and facility use distances in neighboring districts. 4) The two communities exhibit separate tendencies in characteristics of leisure activities and facility use distances.