Making serverless computing widely applicable requires detailed performance understanding. Although contemporary benchmarking approaches exist, they report only coarse results, do not apply distributed tracing, do not consider asynchronous applications, and provide limited capabilities for (root cause) analysis. Addressing this gap, we design and implement ServiBench, a serverless benchmarking suite. ServiBench (i) leverages synchronous and asynchronous serverless applications representative of production usage, (ii) extrapolates cloud-provider data to generate realistic workloads, (iii) conducts comprehensive, end-to-end experiments to capture application-level performance, (iv) analyzes results using a novel approach based on (distributed) serverless tracing, and (v) supports comprehensively serverless performance analysis. With ServiBench, we conduct comprehensive experiments on AWS, covering five common performance factors: median latency, cold starts, tail latency, scalability, and dynamic workloads. We find that the median end-to-end latency of serverless applications is often dominated not by function computation but by external service calls, orchestration, or trigger-based coordination. We release collected experimental data under FAIR principles and ServiBench as a tested, extensible open-source tool.