Satisfied job of banks is a typical concern across the world. Numerous researches tried to examine the comparative importance for comprehending satisfaction of job since the last two decades. The employer of banks has stressed the significance on employees’ satisfaction towards work so as to remain competitive. In Bangladesh, the current situation of job satisfaction in banks is appalling. But, they have slight focus on their staffs’ job satisfaction. Hence, it is expected to ensure and further develop job satisfaction for the sustainability of organizations. The main purpose in this study is detecting factors and their influence on job satisfaction. Initially, employees were respondents who are selected from Simple Random Sampling Method. Reliability Test, Test of Normality, Homogeneity of Variance and Factor Analysis conducted to find factors and finally Regression Coefficient Test and ANOVA Test are carried out for analyzing collected data, testing hypothesis and interpreting the results. The Factor Analysis identified six factors namely Managerial Support, Salary with Benefits, Training and Development of Career, Work Environment, Coworker Relationship and Sharing Information whose cumulative variance is 73.669%. Moreover, the Coefficient of Regression Test and ANOVA Test showed that, these six factors are the most influential for escalating job satisfaction. Like this, the authority are capable of being increasing employees’ job satisfaction and motivation by concentrating on effective six factors for reaching its definitive success.