results of a program to monitor the PiP breast prostheses (poly-implant-prothese) Objective: The rupture of mammary protheses PIP (poly-implant-prothese) caused an alarm, settling in Spain a protocol for the management of patients. As hospital unit of reference for the management, monitoring and treatment of patients carrying PIP breast implants, we propose objective to make a descriptive study of the current situation in our country and compare it to the hitherto described in the literature. method: We conducted a transversal study of all patients who came during the years 2012 and 2013, to the Unit of Mammary Pathology of the Universitary General Hospital of Elche. results: With a total of 285 women, we observed a high rate of implant rupture (50.2%) asymptomatic most (84.6%). Fact that the year 2006 had the highest percentage of breakage and the appearance of siliconomas. conclusions: Our series confirms rupture rate similar to that described in the literature for PIP breast implants. We observed a higher percentage of breakage from the year 2006, coinciding with the period of manufacture described poorer quality of these implants. Axillary siliconomas were evident in 35.1% of patients, the only locally axillary symptoms.