High-pressure kinetics is a useful tool for the determination and the assessment of mechanisms in organic chemistry. The volume of activation DV* deduced from these kinetic measurements is an indicator of the position of the transition state. In addition, if accurately determined, DV* permits the detection of fine mechanistic effects such as alteration of mechanism according to substrates within the same reaction type, operation of secondary orbital interactions in Diels-Alder cycloadditions, angular hydrogen transfer in ene reactions, etc. 15: 1-13 MECHANISMS AND ACTIVATION VOLUMES 9 Scheme 14. Ene reaction and transition state with DEAD and 1,4-cyclohexadiene Scheme 15. Pericyclic transition state in the desul®nation of allylic sul®nyl acids Scheme 16. Mechanism of the formation of 3,4-dimethylsulfolene