I present observations on the nest, nestlings and parental care of the Brown-bellied Swallow Orochelidon murina in La Armenia, 7 km southeast of Quito, province of Pichincha, Ecuador. I observed the nest from 26 April–21 May 2020, every other day for 1.5–2 h, with a total of 20 h of observation. The nest was located in a drainpipe at 2.15 m above ground, in a wall surrounding a residence. The drainpipe had a diameter of 10 cm and a depth of 25 cm. The nest, which covered the drainpipe’s entire length, consisted of a shallow mound of vegetal fibers, feathers and feces of the nest dweller. Clutch size was three and nestling period at least 25 days. Nestlings were fed on average 8 times/h (SD = 3.4; n = 11) over the observation period.The overall mean interval between visits was 5.3 min (SD = 5.4; n = 106) and mean visit time 0.3 min (SD = 0.9; n = 103). A third adult was observed around the nest on several occasions, but no active role in nestlings’ care could be determined.