We show that the effect of a high-temperature environment in current transport through a normal metalinsulator-superconductor tunnel junction can be described by an effective density of states in the superconductor. In the limit of a resistive low-Ohmic environment, this density of states reduces into the well-known Dynes form. Our theoretical result is supported by experiments in engineered environments. We apply our findings to improve the performance of a single-electron turnstile, a potential candidate for a metrological current source. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.026803 PACS numbers: 73.40.Gk, 06.20.Jr, 72.70.+m, 73.20.At Introduction.-The density of states (DOS) of the carriers governs the transport rates in a mesoscopic conductor [1], e.g., in a tunnel junction. Understanding the current transport in a junction in detail is of fundamental interest, but it plays a central role also in practical applications, for instance, in the performance of superconducting qubits [2], of electronic coolers and thermometers [3], and of a singleelectron turnstile to be discussed in this Letter [4]. When one or both of the contacts of a junction are superconducting, the one-electron rates at small energy bias should vanish at low temperatures because of the gap in the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) DOS [5]. Yet, a small linear in voltage leakage current persists in the experiments [3,6-10] that can often be attributed to the Dynes DOS, a BCS-like expression with lifetime broadening [11,12]. A junction between two leads admits carriers to pass at a rate that depends on the DOS of the conductors, the occupation of the energy levels, and the number of conduction channels in the junction [13]. In general, basic one-electron tunneling coexists with many-electron tunneling, for instance, cotunneling in multijunction systems [14], or Andreev reflection in superconductors [15,16]. However, when the junction is made sufficiently opaque, a common situation in practice, only one-electron tunneling governed by the Fermi golden rule should persist. We demonstrate experimentally that the subgap current in a high-quality opaque tunnel junction between a normal metal and a superconductor can be ascribed to photon-assisted tunneling. We show theoretically that this leads exactly to the Dynes DOS with an inverse lifetime of e 2 k B T env R=@ 2 , where T env and R are the temperature and effective resistance of the environment.We employ a tunnel junction with a normal metalinsulator-superconductor (NIS) structure; see Fig. 1(a). The essentially constant DOS in the normal metal renders