Questionnaires that assessed self-esteem, self-concept, educational goals, career goals, preferred and expected career commitment, and sexrole attitudes were completed by 884 male and female undergraduates representing two racial groups and two age groups. Men and women did not differ significantly in terms of self-esteem, but the men described themselves as more attractive than did the women in their age group. For the 18-25-year-old white women, an intelligent, unconventional, and/or nonreligious self-concept predicts nontraditional goals and feminist attitudes, and the interaction between self-esteem and socioeconomic status influences educational goals and sex-role attitudes. For the 18-25-year-old white men, a physically strong and intelligent self-concept predicts higher educational goals and traditional career goals, and lower self-described strength and religiousness and greater intelligence predict more feminist attitudes. Physical self-concept is unrelated to goals or attitudes for the female samples. Self-concept is less strongly predictive of goals and attitudes for the black women and the older men and women. Possible reasons for the sample difierences and implications for related research are discussed.The rebirth of the American feminist movement has stimulated increasing interest in the life goals and sex-role attitudes of college women. Changes in women's goals and attitudes during the last three decades and comparisons between the women who choose nontraditional goals and those who are apparently content with traditional women's roles have been the major foci ofthis research.In studies conducted during the 1950s, 1960s, and early 1970s, the majority of college-educated women were interested in traditional women's careers and roles (Zuckerman, 1977). Although the sex differences in "fear of success" that were discussed by Horner have not been replicated in most studies (Tresemer, 1976), there 1. This article is based in part on tbe author s doctoral dissertation. The Obio State University, Department of Psychology, Golumbus, Ohio. The author wisbes to thank committee members