Define anemia is the low concentration in the amount of hemoglobin according to age, sex and trimester pregnancy. The pregnant has three trimesters and has an exceptional hemoglobin range in every trimester. The pregnant has 124-135 g/dl in the 1st trimester, 110-117 g/dl in the 2nd trimester and 106-109 g/dl in the 3rd trimester. Many pregnant females had been found with anemia because of a low level of Iron. This leads to megaloblastic anemia because of iron deficiency anemia and B12 Vitamin, diet, gastrectomy, malabsorption, blood loss and physiological demand (pregnancy infancy and adolescence). The blood consists of Hemoglobin (Heam + globin) Heam and Iron protoporphyrin ring. Globin is the type of protein with a specific length of amino acid and a specific type of A, maybe 2 Alpha 2 Beta called A1 or 2 Alpha and 2 Bata called A2 or 2Alpha and Gamma called F Fetal. The production of hemoglobin depends on the previously mentioned factors. In this study, we focused on some factors associated with the amount of blood and how these factors affected anemia, which is the most important in Iron treatments, with considering other factors such as food, diversity, Economic situation, social status, number of the fetus, and number of pregnancies. Statistical analysis was used to detect the effect factors of anemia in pregnant. This study refers to 23.2% of anemia because of Iron deficiency during pregnancy. So, treatment of Iron deficiency reduces anemia during pregnancy time.
Keywords. Anemia; Hemoglobin; Pregnant Woman