The circular dichroism (CD) of the peptide hormone bradykinin and its analogues, [Phe(€L)']-bradykinin, [Phe(H4)*]bradykinin, [Phe(H4)5.8]bradykinin, [TyrOMe'Ibradykinin, [TyrOMe'Ibradykinin and [TyrOMeS3']bradykinin, is described. The comparison of the CD spectra of these analogues with each other, recorded under a variety of conditions (pH, solvent, temperature), allows the monitoring of the behaviour of the aromatic side-chains (phenylalanine, tyrosine) and an estimation of their respective spectral contributions in both spectral regions (320-250 nm, 250-190 nm) with good precision. Conformational non-equivalence of the residues Phe-5 and Phe-8 together with some overall conformational features of bradykinin are thus established.The peptide hormone bradykinin has so far presented stimulating challenges to those who have tried to elucidate its primary sequence [I], its physiological role and significance [2], its pharmacology 131 and its conformation in solution [4-121. In spite of its rather simple amino acid sequence : Arg-Pro-Pro-Gly-PheSer-Pro-Phe-Arg, it has neither been possible to establish a coherent structure-activity relationship (the term structure involving both composition and conformation), as no antagonist of importance has yet been synthesized, nor has a clearcut picture of its solution conformation emerged from the relatively few and sometimes conflicting and/or contradicting studies [5,6,10]. Nevertheless, specific receptors in rabbit aorta and guinea-pig ileum have now been found, and all the recent experimental evidence hints strongly at the existence of a restricted number of close conformational states of bradykinin, be it in aqueous or organic solvent, as a look at its amino acid composition and sequence already suggests [13]. Our contribution to the conformational analysis of this hormone will begin with a detailed examiiiation by circular dichroism spectroscopy of the aromatic side-chains (Phe-5, Phe-S), their spectral contribution and their conformational behaviour, which should help to shed further light on the structural characteristics of bradykinin.Of all the papers related to bradykinin conformation published up till now, only one (Brady et czl. [
S])Abbrrvintions. CD, circular dichroism; NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance: Phe( H 4 , cyclohexylalanine; TyrOMe, 0-methylated tyrosine; P3EtOH, 2.2,2-trifluoromethanol.
MATERIALS AND METHODSBradykinin and its analogues used in the present experiments were prepared by the Merrifield method of solid-phase synthesis [33]. Details for the procedures and methods used in the synthesis, the purification and the chemical analysis of the newly synthesized peptides have been recently described [34].CD Studies. The peptides were dissolved in water or 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (F3EtOH) (Uvasol, Merck) in concentrations ranging from 0.3 -1 .O mgiml wherc no aggregation takes place [7]. For the pH studies we