“…Over the years, a range of biologically‐inspired robots have been developed to selectively mimic behavioral and morpho‐physiological features of different animal species and elicit desired reactions. For instance, the use of robotics has been successfully demonstrated in research on insects (cockroaches: Halloy et al, ; & honeybees: Landgraf, Moballegh, & Rojas, ; Michelsen, Andersen, Storm, Kirchner, & Lindauer, ); birds (European starling, brown‐headed cowbird, & house finch: Fernández‐Juricic & Kowalski, ; satin bowerbirds: Patricelli, Uy, Walsh, & Borgia, ; & quails: De Margerie, Lumineau, Houdelier, & Yris, ; Jolly et al, ); reptiles (brown anolis: Partan, Otovic, Price, & Brown, ; Graham's anolis: Macedonia, Clark, Riley, & Kemp, ; & Iberian wall lizard: Carazo, Font, & Desfilis, ); mammals (dogs: Kubinyi et al, ; & squirrels: Partan, Larco, & Owens, ); and several fish species (bluefin killifish: Phamduy, Polverino, Fuller, & Porfiri, ; giant danios: Aureli & Porfiri, ; golden shiners: Abaid, Marras, Fitzgibbons, & Porfiri, ; Marras & Porfiri, ; Polverino, Phamduy, & Porfiri, ; Swain, Couzin, & Leonard, ; guppies: Landgraf et al, ; Landgraf et al, ; mosquitofish: Polverino & Porfiri, ; & three‐spined sticklebacks: Faria et al, ; Ward, Sumpter, Couzin, Hart, & Krause, ).…”