The generalized SU(2) Proca theory (GSU2P) is a variant of the well known generalized Proca theory where the vector field belongs to the Lie algebra of the SU(2) group of global transformations under which the action is made invariant. New interesting possibilities arise in this framework because of the existence of new interactions of purely non-Abelian character and new configurations of the vector field resulting in spatial spherical symmetry and the cosmological dynamics being driven by the propagating degrees of freedom. We study the 2D phase space of the system that results when the cosmic triad configuration is employed in the Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker background and find an attractor curve whose attraction basin both covers almost all the allowed region and does not include a Big-Bang singularity. Such an attractor curve corresponds to a primordial inflationary solution that has the following characteristic properties: 1) it is a de Sitter solution whose Hubble parameter is regulated by a generalized version of the SU(2) group coupling constant, 2) it is constant-roll including, as a limiting case, the slow-roll variety, 3) a number of e-folds N > 60 is easily reached, 4) it has a graceful exit into a radiation dominated period powered by the canonical kinetic term of the vector field and the Einstein-Hilbert term. The free parameters of the action are chosen such that the tensor sector of the theory is the same as that of general relativity at least up to second-order perturbations, thereby avoiding the presence of ghost and Laplacian instabilities in the tensor sector as well as making the gravity waves propagate at light speed. This is a proof of concept of the interesting properties that could be found in this scenario when the coupling constants be replaced by general coupling functions and more terms be discovered in the GSU2P.