We report a single-crystal study on the magnetism of the rare-earth compound PrTiNbO6 that experimentally realizes the zigzag pseudospin-1 2 quantum antiferromagnetic chain model. Random crystal electric field caused by the site mixing between non-magnetic Ti 4+ and Nb 5+ , results in the non-Kramers ground state quasi-doublet of Pr 3+ with the effective pseudospin-1 2 Ising moment. Despite the antiferromagnetic intersite coupling of about 4 K, no magnetic freezing is detected down to 0.1 K, whilst the system approaches its ground state with almost zero residual spin entropy. At low temperatures, a sizable gap of about 1 K is observed in zero field. We ascribe this gap to off-diagonal anisotropy terms in the pseudospin Hamiltonian, and argue that rare-earth oxides open an interesting venue for studying magnetism of quantum spin chains.