Despite many ARPES investigations of iron pnictides, the structure of the electron pockets is still poorly understood. By combining ARPES measurements in different experimental configurations, we clearly resolve their elliptic shape. Comparison with band calculation identify a deep electron band with the dxy orbital and a shallow electron band along the perpendicular ellipse axis with the dxz/dyz orbitals. We find that, for both electron and hole bands, the lifetimes associated with dxy are longer than for dxz/dyz. This suggests that the two types of orbitals play different roles in the electronic properties and that their relative weight is a key parameter to determine the ground state.PACS numbers: 79.60.-i, 71.18.-y, 71.30.-h There is a consensus that the multiband nature of iron pnictides is essential for defining their electronic properties. Many models for the superconducting and antiferromagnetic orders heavily rely on the interaction between different electron and hole Fermi Surface (FS) sheets [1,2]. On the experimental side, transport [3,4], Raman [5,6] and quantum oscillations experiments [7,8] seem to detect predominantly electrons, suggesting they have longer lifetimes than holes. However, ARPES experiments that can image independently hole and electron bands has not evidenced so far a clear difference between them that could explain this behavior. In fact, it has been more difficult to clearly image the electron pockets than the hole pockets with ARPES [9][10][11]. Recently, an ARPES study resolved them in more details [12], but proposed a structure so different from theory, that it clearly calls for more investigation.In this paper, we report ARPES measurements in Ba(Fe 0.92 Co 0.08 ) 2 As 2 , which corresponds to optimal Co doping for superconductivity (T c =23K). Similar features are found for other members of the BaFe 2 As 2 family [13]. We first clarify that, in appropriate experimental conditions, only the electron pockets of the 1Fe-Brillouin Zone (BZ) [14] are observed, which greatly simplifies the spectra. The electron pocket is an ellipse made out of two different orbitals with opposite parities and markedly different dispersions. Along one axis, the band is odd and very shallow (50meV), while it is even and much deeper (more than 100meV) along the perpendicular axis. These dispersions correspond very well to band structures renormalized by a factor of 3, suggesting to associate the shallow band with the d xz /d yz orbitals and the deep band with the d xy orbital. The parity measured by ARPES for the deep electron band is not that expected for d xy , which is due to interferences between the 2 Fe of the unit cell [15]. We find that, both for hole and electron pockets, the lifetimes are about twice longer on the d xy parts of the FS than on the d xz /d yz parts. These anisotropies are in good agreement with a recent study by Kemper et al. [16]. As the d xy parts of the electron pockets are also associated with higher Fermi velocities on the electron pockets, this probably explains why ...