The Ogg-McCombe effective Hamiltonian for the electron in the conduction band together with the nonparabolic and effective-mass approximations were used in a theoretical study of the cyclotron effective mass and electron effective Landé g -factor in semiconductor GaAs-Ga 1−x Al x As quantum wells under an applied magnetic field parallel to the growth direction of the quantum well. Calculations are performed as a function of the applied magnetic field, and for different widths of the GaAs-Ga 1−x Al x As quantum wells. Results for the electron cyclotron effective mass and g -factor are found in quite good agreement with experimental data.Keywords: g-factor; Cyclotron effective mass; Quantum wells; Magnetic fieldThe understanding of the physics of semiconductor single and multiple quantum wells (QWs), quantum-well wires (QWWs), quantum dots (QDs), and superlattices (SLs) has been of great interest, and several studies have been performed to elucidate the physical properties of these systems [1][2][3][4][5][6]. The possible use of electron spins in the architecture of a solid-state based quantum computer has raised special attention in the study of the behavior of the electron spin coupled with an external magnetic field. In the single qubit operation it is of fundamental importance to have pure spin states in order to guarantee that no losses occur when the spins transport information [1]. This goal may be achieved by manipulating the electron g-factor in semiconductor heterostrucures and designing appropriate external gate control devices. The cyclotron effective mass and electronic g-factor are of importance in possible applications and in the interpretation of experimental data in specific research fields such as magneto-optical and magneto-transport studies, optically detected nuclear-resonance experiments, spin electronics and quantum beats measurements, and in the fractional and integer quantum Hall effects [2-6].The appropriate calculation of the electron g-factor and cyclotron effective mass depends on the detailed understanding of the interaction between the externally applied magnetic field and electronic states of the semiconductor heterostructure. Techniques such as electron spin resonance, Hanle effect, spin quantum beats, spin flip Raman scattering experiments, and capacitance and energy spectroscopies [4][5][6][7][8][9][10] have been used to measure the electron g-factor in semiconductor systems. Lattice effects on the orbital contribution, quantumconfinement, and application of hydrostatic-pressure and external electric/magnetic fields may considerably modify the conduction-electron g-factor, in both magnitude and sign, in different semiconductor heterostructures. On the other hand, experimental measurements of both the Landé g-factor and cyclotron effective mass provide an excellent tool for testing theoretical predictions of band-structure electronic calculations in low-dimensional semiconductor heterostructures. In that respect, in this study we present a theoretical model which is used to give a...