We present the case of a 77-year-old man who came to the emergency room after a syncopal episode in the context of sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia for which electrical cardioversion was performed. To determine the etiology of the ventricular arrhythmic event, a study of the coronary anatomy was carried out using invasive coronary angiography, observing coronary arteries without significant lesions, although, as a chance finding, a coronary anomaly was described, with the absence of the main coronary artery, with the independent exit of circumflex (Cx) and anterior descending (AD) arteries of the right coronary sinus, originating the AD and right coronary artery from the same coronary ostium. These findings were later confirmed by computed tomography with 3D reconstruction. In addition, an interarterial path of AD (between the aorta and pulmonary artery) and an intramuscular path of AD were observed, as well as a retroaortic path of Cx. Given these findings, an implantable cardioverter defibrillator was implanted as secondary prevention. Good subsequent evolution with a home discharge without incident. We present this case to help better understand these disorders since they currently constitute a diagnostic challenge since in many cases, it is a chance finding in complementary tests or even in autopsies. It is also a relatively frequent cause of cardiorespiratory arrest in young patients. Of the many anatomical variables that make up the group of coronary anomalies, there is little bibliographic information on this anomaly presented, without finding images like those reported in this case.