The emission pattern of charged excitons in a semiconductor quantum dot ͑QD͒ is composed of a quadruplet of linearly polarized lines when a magnetic field is applied in a Voigt configuration. The orientation of the linear polarization of exciton emission is controlled by the orientation of the magnetic field in QDs with C 3v symmetry while for QDs with C 2v symmetry it is not. We demonstrate that the g factor of holes is very sensitive to the dot shape asymmetry but that of electrons is not. By comparing the effective g factors obtained for the neutral and charged excitons in the same quantum dot, we uncover the role of Coulomb correlations in these excitonic states. We show that the C 3v symmetry of pyramidal QDs makes them ideal candidates for implementing all-optical many-qubits gates based on electron spin as a quantum bit. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.80.165312 PACS number͑s͒: 78.67.Hc, 71.70.Ej, 71.70.Gm, 78.55.Cr Spin degree of freedom of carriers in semiconductor quantum dots ͑QDs͒ could serve as quantum bits to store 1 and process 2,3 information in spin-based devices. Recent experiments demonstrated essential steps toward the implementation of these concepts. Effective initialization of a spin state was achieved for either an electron 4,5 or a hole 6,7 confined to a single quantum dot. Rapid rotation of an electron spin was accomplished by driving coherently the two spin states with short optical pulses by means of stimulated spinflip Raman scattering. 8 The coherent manipulation of a carrier spin 9 in a spin-flip Raman process involves the creation of two energetically different spin states by applying a magnetic field. A key property of an electron ͑or a hole͒ confined to a QD is the effective g factor that measures the Zeeman splitting of the ground state in an applied magnetic field and depends on the orientation of the field with respect to the symmetry axis of the QD. Even though the coherent manipulation of a single quantum dot spin was successively demonstrated, the extension of this scheme to quantum dot arrays seems to be a challenge as QDs must have a narrow distribution of emission energies and obey specific optical selection rules. It is thus necessary to investigate the homogeneity of the Zeeman splittings and the uniformity of the optical selection rules in QD arrays.Zeeman splittings in QDs have been investigated by capacitance spectroscopy, 10 by magnetophotoluminescence 11,12 and by transient nonlinear optical techniques.13 While transport techniques probe the g factors of electronic states, optical techniques probe the Zeeman splittings of excitonic states. The optical anisotropy of QDs was also studied by applying a magnetic field in the Voigt geometry, which revealed a complex behavior due to shape asymmetry and strain present in self-assembled quantum dots ͑SAQDs͒.
14-17In principle, probing different charged excitonic states in QDs could yield different values of the Zeeman splittings if the Coulomb correlations between carriers altered the singleparticle wave function of the strong...