“…In such a case, with intrinsic parity violation due to the dynamical CS term, the anomalous magnetic moment is essentially determined by the parity-violating parts of the dynamical gauge boson propagator, which are absent in our parity conserving case. The important thing the authors of [21] find is that, in the limit where the coefficient κ of the CS term is very large, the induced corrections to the magnetic moment are of order 1/mκ, where m is the bare fermion mass in their model. In fact, the result of the large-N computation of [21] indicates a quantum corrected magnetic moment µ = 1 m ( 1 2 + 1 κ ), which, with S = 1 2 + 1 κ identified as the spin of the anyon field [22], implies an exact (to leading order in 1/N) gyromagnetic ratio g = 2 for anyons.…”