The reflectivity R(ω) of both the ab plane and the c axis of two single crystals of La1.875Ba0.125−y SryCuO4 has been measured down to 5 cm −1 , using coherent synchrotron radiation below 30 cm −1 . For y = 0.085, a Josephson Plasma Resonance is detected at T ≪ Tc = 31 K in the out-of-plane Rc(ω), and a far-infrared peak (FIP) appears in the in-plane optical conductivity σ ab (ω) below 50 K, where non-static CO is reported by X-ray scattering. For y = 0.05 (Tc = 10 K), below the ordering temperature TCO, a FIP is again observed in σ ab (ω). The FIP then appears to be an infrared signature of CO, either static or fluctuating, as reported in previous works on the La-Sr cuprates.