The Banach sequence spaces ces(p) are generated in a specied way via the classical spaces ℓp, 1 < p < ∞. For each pair 1 < p, q < ∞ the (p, q)-multiplier operators from ces(p) into ces(q) are known. We determine precisely which of these multipliers is a compact operator. Moreover, for the case of p = q a complete description is presented of those (p, p)-multiplier operators which are mean (resp. uniform mean) ergodic. A study is also made of the linear operator C which maps a numerical sequence to the sequence of its averages. All pairs 1 < p, q < ∞ are identied for which C maps ces(p) into ces(q) and, amongst this collection, those which are compact. For p = q, the mean ergodic properties of C are also treated.