We discuss the contribution of right-handed neutrinos (RHNs) to the effective neutrino mass of the neutrinoless double beta decay within the minimal type-I seesaw model using the intrinsic seesaw relation of neutrino mass and mixing parameters and the relative mass dependence of the nuclear matrix elements. In the viable parameter space, we find the possibilities of both the enhancement and cancellation to the effective neutrino mass from RHNs. The bounds on the parameter space of the RHNs can be determined with the effective neutrino mass extracted from neutrinoless double beta decay experiments.
I. INTRODUCTIONThe observation of neutrino oscillations from the atmospheric [1], solar [2][3][4], reactor [5-8] and accelerator [9][10][11] neutrinos is one of the most important discoveries in particle physics, which indicates that neutrinos are massive, and is currently the only evidence for physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). But neutrino oscillation experiments do not allow us to determine the absolute neutrino mass scale, as well as the origin of neutrino masses. To determine the absolute neutrino mass scale, three complementary methods can be used. The first one is the cosmological observation, which probe the direct sum of three neutrino masses [12][13][14][15]. The second one is the β-decay experiments, such as the KATRIN experiment, which gives the limit on the effective neutrino mass from the spectral fine structure near the β-decay endpoint [16][17][18]. The third is the neutrinoless double beta decay (i.e., 0νββ) experiments [19-25] that we will discuss in this work, for recent reviews see Ref. [26][27][28].Neutrino masses are several orders of magnitude smaller than the masses of charged leptons and quarks, and may not be (or not only) of the SM Higgs origin. Therefore, alternative new mechanisms of the neutrino mass generation have been proposed, of which the most plausible one is the type-I seesaw mechanism [29][30][31][32]. According to this mechanism, the small neutrino masses are generated by a new interaction with new Higgs particles beyond SM, which violates the total lepton number at a mass scale much heavier than the electroweak interaction. Within such mechanism, the neutrinos are Majorana particles, and consequently, this leads to the above mentioned lepton number violating (LNV) 0νββ-decay process. The nature of neutrinos, that is whether the neutrino mass is of the Majorana or Dirac type, is important for our understanding of the origin for small neutrino masses. With the neutrino Majorana nature, more phases (namely the Majorana phases) will be included in the neutrino mixing matrix [33]. Neither results from neutrino oscillation experiments, cosmology probes, nor that from β-decay experiments depends on the Majorana phases. However, from the effective neutrino mass (m eff ) of the 0νββ decay, such information could be extracted [34][35][36][37][38].So far, the 0νββ-decay hasn't been detected yet and the lower bounds of the decay half-lives for various isotopes are obtained from different...