Children surviving premature birth have a high risk of cognitive and learning disabilities and attention deficit. In turn, adverse outcomes are associated with persistent reductions in cerebral growth on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). It is striking that modern care has been associated with a dramatic reduction in the risk of cystic white matter damage, but modest improvements in terms of neurodevelopmental impairment. This review will explore the hypothesis that the disability is primarily associated with impaired neural connectivity rather than cell death alone. Very preterm infants exhibit reduced thalamocortical connectivity and cortical neuroplasticity compared with term-born controls. In preterm fetal sheep, moderate cerebral ischemia with no neuronal loss, but significant diffuse failure of maturation of cortical pyramidal neurons, was associated with impaired dendritic growth and synapse formation, consistent with altered connectivity. These changes were associated with delayed decline in cortical fractional anisotropy (FA) on MRI. Supporting these preclinical findings, preterm human survivors showed similar enduring impairment of microstructural development of the cerebral cortex defined by FA, consistent with delayed formation of neuronal processes. These findings offer the promise that better understanding of impairment of neural connectivity may allow us to promote normal development and growth of the cortex after preterm birth. P remature birth is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality. Approximately 6-13% of all births are preterm (1), and in the United States, this has been estimated to cost the community more than $26.2 billion in 2005 alone (1). Most of this cost is related not to acute care but to cerebral palsy and long-term neurodevelopmental disability in surviving very premature (≤30 wk gestation) infants. Disability is highly associated with greater prematurity (2,3), but even in "late preterm" infants at 34-36 wk gestation, the risks of injury and disability are increased sevenfold or more compared with term infants (4). Although there is evidence for modest overall improvements in survival without disability in recent cohorts (2,3), others found no apparent improvement in disability after extremely preterm (<25 wk gestation) birth (5).Historically, preterm human autopsy cases typically showed severe necrotic white matter injury (WMI) with evidence of axonal degeneration and loss of cortical neurons (6,7). This necrosis in turn was associated with cerebral palsy. The greater risk of long-term disability in boys is correlated with greater risk of WMI (8). Encouragingly, there is now evidence of a progressive reduction in the severest form of cystic WMI over time (9). In modern cohorts, severe WMI is seen in only ~1% of cases, whereas less severe (nonnecrotic), diffuse WMI is now common (9,10).It is striking that despite this apparent marked reduction in the severity of WMI, that even less severe forms of WMI injury are associated with impaired brain development and disabil...