Ekológia (Bratislava) 388 landsCape diversity and Biodiversity of fann mountains (tajikistan) oiMahMad rahMonoV, lESzEk MaJgiEr, WiaczESłaW andrEJczuk, JaroSłaW BanaSzEk, doMinik karkoSz, toMaSz paruSEl, artur SzYMczYk university of Silesia, faculty of Earth Sciences, Bedzinska 60, 41-200 Sosnowiec, poland; e-mail: oimahmad.rahmonov@us.edu.pl abstract rahmonov o., Majgier l., andrejczuk W., Banaszek J., karkosz d., parusel t., Szymczyk a.: landscape diversity and biodiversity of fann Mountains (tajikistan). Ekológia (Bratislava), Vol. 32, no. 4, p. 388-395, 2013.The aim of study is a presentation of main vegetation landscape diversity and biodiversity in case of endemic species in the fann Mountains area, in horizontal and vertical approach. in terms of biodiversity, the high-mountain ecosystems of central asia include the most valuable areas in the world called as hotspot, and also are exposed to intense human pressure causing the destruction of habitats. Vegetation landscapes of fann Mountains are very diverse because of high-mountain character of this area, local climatic conditions, topography and habitats. That differentiation leads up to biodiversity and formation of unique plant landscapes and endemic species. The vegetation landscapes in altitude order are represented by forbs meadow steppe, thymes, swamp, broad-leaf forest, juniper forests, flood-plain small-leaved forest, tugai, light deciduous forest, pistachio, forbs wormwood, almond, rare vegetation with cushion-shaped species, wormwood eurotia, steppe, thorny grasses with shrub-steppe, rocks and taluses with rare vegetation alpine zones. high level of endemism in fann Mountains is connected to natural conditions such as geological structure, relief, high-mountain ranges and climate conditions. This fact has an influence on forming mosaic biotops, often isolated by orographic barriers.Key words: biodiversity, fann Mountains, endemic species, landscape diversity. introduction in terms of biodiversity, the high-mountain ecosystems of central asia belong to the most valuable areas in the world called as hotspot, and are also exposed to intense human pressure which causes the destruction of habitats. Vegetation landscapes of fann Mountains are very divers according to high-mountain character of this area, local climatic conditions, topography and habitats. That differentiation leads up to biodiversity and formation of unique plant communities and endemic species. high level of endemism in fann Mountains is connected to natural conditions such as geological structure, high mountains ranges and climate conditions. This fact has an influence on forming mosaic biotops, often isolated by orographic barriers. a problem of landscapes diversity and biodiversity of this region was mentioned in Vol. 32, no. 4, p. 388-395, 2013Vol. 32, no. 4, p. 388-395, doi:10.2478Vol. 32, no. 4, p. 388-395, /eko-2013 Unauthenticated Download Date | 5/12/18 7:10 AM 389 many works in the last century (zakirov, 1955, 1961 Stanyukovich, 1963; Sidorenko et al., 1964; konnov...