α-Q-fuzzy subgroups are studied.
PRELIMINARYDefinition 2.1. Zadeh (1965) -Let X be a non-empty set. A fuzzy subset θ of the set X is a mapping θ: X→[0, 1]. Definition 2.2. Rosenfeld (1971) -Let (G, * ) be a group. A fuzzy subset θ of G said to be a fuzzy subgroup of G, if the following conditions hold: i. θ(xy) ≥ min {θ(x), θ(y)} and ii. θ(x −1 ) ≥ θ(x), for all x and y in G. Definition 2.3. Solairaju and Nagarajan (2006) -Let X and Q be non-empty sets. A Q-fuzzy subset θ of the set X is a mapping.i. θ: X×Q→[0, 1]. Definition 2.4. Solairaju and Nagarajan (2006) -Let (G, * ) be a group and Q be a non-empty set. A Q-fuzzy subset θ of G is said to be a Q-fuzzy subgroup of G if the following conditions are satisfied:i. θ(xy, q) ≥ min {θ(x, q), θ(y, q)} and ii. θ(x −1 , q) ≥ θ(x, q), for all x and y in G and q in Q. Proposition 2.5. Solairaju and Nagarajan (2006) -Let θ and σ be any two Q-fuzzy subsets of a non-empty set X. Then, for all x∈X and q∈Q, the followings are true:i. θ⊆σ ⇔ θ(x, q) ≤ σ(x, q), ii. θ=σ ⇔ θ(x, q) = σ(x, q), iii. (θ∪σ)(x, q) = max {θ(x, q), σ(x, q)}, iv. (θ∩σ)(x, q) = min {θ(x, q), σ(x, q)}. Definition 2.6. Solairaju and Nagarajan ( 2006) -If θ is a Q-fuzzy subgroup of a group G, then C[θ] is the complement of Q-fuzzy subgroup θ, and is defined by C[θ(x, q)] = 1-θ (x, q), for all x in G and q in Q. Definition 2.7. Palaniappan and Muthuraj (2004) -If (G, * ) and (G′,ο) are any two groups, then the function f: G→G′ is called a homomorphism if f (x * y) = f(x) ο f(y), for all x and y in G. Definition 2.8. Palaniappan and Muthuraj (2004) If (G, * ) and (G′,ο) are any two groups, then the function f: G→G′ is called an anti-homomorphism if f(x*y) = f(y) ο f(x), for all x and y in G. Definition 2.9. Palaniappan and Muthuraj (2004) Let f: X→X′ be any mapping from a non-empty set X into a non-