Approved" "" 27 9 ATION PAGE OMe ,ao0o. 070-08 oaverIae Woiane . io n Cuinw t-e time to, r.w.nq inswuc•t,. s.arcninq existing ol.a source.o.nq t/he cOalt•tnon at informatian. $.no comments ref•ra"nq thim ourcen" estim e or anv other asoe¢t of this n. to Wastinqton m eaaeO udrtws $Seir cui. 0'rectoreie otr t nforvaecion Ooererion i ni o • c rat[s. 1I21 jeffitt le i t ot Manaqement and Suaqet. Pc wor-Wa Redui-tion Protect (0714-0t. 0I.Waeg-ngton, OC 20503. This document has been approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words)The conversion of phosphazene high polymers to useful materials depends on the development of methods to cross-link the macromolecular chains. A number of cross-linking routes have been used, including chemical, photochemical, and high energy radiation techniques.The relationship of the cross-linking processes to electrochemical-, electrooptical-, elastomer-, structural-, membrane-, surface-, and biomedical properties is discussed. Reproduction in whole or in part is permitted for any purpose of the United States Government. This document has been approved for public release and sale; its distribution is unlimited.