2 periodontal dressings, Coe-pak and RD8 (a product under development), were assessed following periodontal surgery, using a double-blind study of randomised split-mouth design, with each patient acting as their own control. Matched sites were selected for periodontal flap surgery under local analgesia. Sites were randomly allocated to each group. The dressings were applied by a single operator and both patients and clinical assessors were blind as to the dressing employed. The dressings were assessed as to their handling properties, in addition to a 7-day post-operative assessment of the surgical sites and a subjective patient report. Maximum pain levels were relatively low (4 in a scale 0-10); subjects reported more pain and analgesics required with RD8 than with Coe-pak. This was reflected in the results of the patient assessment which indicated that 50% preferred Coe-pak, compared to 25% who preferred the RD8 dressing. The results showed RD8 to be an acceptable periodontal dressing when compared to Coe-pak. There were no statistically significant differences between treated sites in both groups with regard to post-operative plaque scores, bleeding scores or tissue healing.