Major problems with biomedical devices in particular implants located in nonsterile environments concern: (i) excessive immune response to the implant, (ii) development of bacterial biofi lms, and (iii) yeast and fungi infections. An original multifunctional coating that addresses all these issues concomitantly is developed. A new exponentially growing polyelectrolyte multilayer fi lm based on polyarginine (PAR) and hyaluronic acid (HA) is designed. The fi lms have a strong inhibitory effect on the production of infl ammatory cytokines released by human primary macrophage subpopulations. This could reduce potential chronic infl ammatory reaction following implantation. Next, it is shown that PAR, due to its positive charges, has an antimicrobial activity in fi lm format against Staphylococcus aureus for 24 h. In order to have a long-term antimicrobial activity, a precursor nanoscale silver coating is deposited on the surface before adding the PAR/HA fi lms. Moreover, the PAR/HA fi lms can be easily further functionalized by embedding antimicrobial peptides, like catestatin (CAT), a natural host defense peptide. This PAR/HA+CAT fi lm proves to be effective as an antimicrobial coating against yeast and fungi and its cytocompatibility is also assessed. Finally, this all-in-one system constitutes an original strategy to limit infl ammation and prevents bacteria, yeast, and fungi infections.