A simple method of estimating type-specific neutralizing antibody to type 2 herpes simplex virus (HSV-2) was devised with the use of the microneutralization system. Serially diluted serum was mixed in the well with a constant amount of type 1 virus (HSV-1), and after 3 days' incubation at 37 C, the plate was irradiated with ultraviolet light. The absorbing HSV-1 consisted of culture fluid plus an extract of infected Vero cells not especially concentrated. The well then received indicator HSV-1 or HSV-2, and after being left at 37 C for 1 hr a suspension of dispersed Vero cells was dropped into the wells, following our standard neutralization procedure. Preliminary tests with rabbit antisera showed that even a low level of HSV-2 antibody was detected by this method, unless an exceptionally high titer of HSV-1 antibody originally coexisted with the HSV-2 antibody. Sera from acutely infected persons testified to the specificity of the antibody so detected. It was revealed by means of the new technique that the rate of HSV-2 antibody was significantly higher in uterine cervical cancer patients than in control women. There was no correlation between the clinical stage of cervical cancer and the presence of HSV-2 antibody.The statement by Rawls et al (29) that HSV-2 antibody is found in 83% of cervical cancer patients as opposed to the positive ratios of 0 to 20% in control groups provoked numerous studies on the oncogenic potential of this virus in humans. Indirect evidence to support the oncogenic role played by HSV-2 in human cervical cancer is the transformation of cultured hamster and other cells (9,17,36), prevalence among patients of antibody to early antigen (4, 19), presence of viral DNA fragments in cancerous tissues (12) and finally the transforming ability of a viral DNA fragment (5, 13). None of this evidence, however, can rule out the possibility that malignant cells amplify the replication of HSV-2 during its subclinical reactivation from the latent form.Meanwhile, sero-epidemiological investigations performed by many workers either supported