Abstract. Microwave transitions between the Zeeman split doublet states 22P1/2 and 22P3/2 of 7El have been measured using the optical double resonance method. The fine structure separation was determined to be vfs= 10.053.184(58) MHz. The hyperfine structure was well resolved and led to considerably improved precision of the diagonal coupling constants al/2 =45.914(25) MHz, a3/2 = -3.055(14) M Hz, b = -0.22l(29) MHz. Furthermore, the contact, spin dipolar and orbital magnetic hyperfine constants are evaluated using additional results from level crossing experiments, which are more sensitive on the nondiagonal magnetic hyperfine constant a3/2, 1/2. The results are in good agreement with recent theoretical calculations. The nuclear quadrupole moment is derived from b to be Q(VLi) = -41(6) mbarn.