Metallothionein (MT) fractions isolated from human adult liver tissue are readily separated by anion-exchange chromatography in two isoforms, MT-1 and MT-2, which differ from each other in the nature of the amino acid residue at position 11. In fetal liver tissue, the presence of a third chargeseparable MT isoform has been previously reported. We determined its partial amino acid sequence and the sequence of a cDNA clone encoding this M T form. This confirmed the existence of another human MT isoform, hereafter named MT-0, which is characterized by the presence of a negatively charged amino acid at position 8, and by a Glu23 to Lys substitution in a strictly conserved region of the protein. Taking into account these substitutions, we are able to classify human MT isoforms into three instead of two charge-separable groups, based on the nature of three amino acid residues.The unique presence of Glu8 in MT-0 enabled us to develop an MT-0-specific amplification by the polymerase chain reaction, which revealed the presence of MT-0 mRNA in adult liver RNA samples, in spite ofthe total absence of this isoform at the protein levcl. This suggests the involvement of post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms in the expression of this fetal MT form.Metallothioneins (MT) are ubiquitous low-molecularmass, sulphydryl-rich proteins with a high affinity for essential as well as toxic trace metals, and to which possible functions in metal metabolism and detoxification have been attributed [I). In humans, MT constitute a rather complex multiprotein family, of which the exact number of closely related isoforms is still unknown. MT fractions from human liver and kidney, as well as from different cell cultures, have been isolated and separated by anion-exchange chromatography in two isoforms, MT-1 and MT-2 (reviewed in [2]). Sequence analysis has demonstrated that MT-2 fractions consist of a single polypeptide, characterized by an Asp residue at position 11, while MT-1 fractions show microheterogeneity at several positions but contain only Glyll or Val11 residues [2]. Reverse-phase (RP) HPLC of MT fractions from human adult liver revealed at least six peaks, which where identified as one MT-2 and five distinct M r -1 forms [3].At the genomic level, Southern-blot analysis showed that these proteins are encoded by a multigene family of at least 12-15 members [4], which are distributed to five autosomes [5]. The nucleotide sequence of several human MT genes has been determined and their expression pattern characterized in