:The mankind has received a gift from mother-nature in the form of natural laboratories present within diversified plant kingdom. The plants create secondary metabolites for their own safety and many of these secondary metabolites are useful for human beings in various kinds of ailments. Diabetes is not an exception to this, there are many secondary metabolites isolated from plants which are now being utilized for treatment. The significance of isolating metabolites from plants is that they have comparatively very less side effects as compared to allopathic system of medicine (oral hypoglycaemic agents). This review takes into account, the recent updates in the treatment of diabetes mellitus using herbal products and phytochemical constituents reported so far.A total number of 150 plant species belonging to numerous families are presented in this review which is useful in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Article also contains more than fifty medicinal compounds recently updated in literature. The most important families in present review are fabaceae and cucurbitaceae. The plants from these families are found to be of high therapeutic value to treat diabetes mellitus however families like musaceae, punicaceae and aloaceae have been found to contain least number of effective plant species. The plant parts contributing mostly active compounds are leaves, fruit & seeds.