Objectives: to evaluate, histologically and macroscopically, the influence of Copaifera multijuga (Copaíba) oil-resin on the healing process of cutaneous wounds, comparing it with nitrofurazone. Methods: we divided 36 rats into three groups of 12 animals, according to the treatment to be administered. Group SL (control) received saline on the lesion; the Group OIL received topical treatment with Copaíba oil; and the Group NITRO was treated with Nitrofurazone. We inflicted a circular wound of 8mm in diameter on the back of each animal. We subdivided each of the three groups of 12 animals into three subgroups, according to treatment time and euthanasia (7, 14 and 21 days). All animals received the proposed treatment daily. We photographed the lesions for area measurement, as well as for evaluation of macroscopic aspects. We resected and stained the scars to quantify and qualify elastic fibers, collagen, degree of epithelization, neovascularization and inflammation. Results: although the saline solution provided a faster wound closure in its initial phase, after 14 days the wound size of the three groups tested was the same. Levels of inflammation and neovascularization were similar in all three groups. The amount of collagen and elastic fibers was higher in the Nitrofurazone and Copaíba oil groups. Conclusion: in male Wistar rats, Copaifera multijuga oil-resin positively influences the healing process, but it is less effective than nitrofurazone in healing by secondary intention.