Objective: The objective of this study is to compare antibiotics listed in the National Essential Medicines List (NEML) and national formulary in Indonesia by determining the proportion of antibiotics in the three groups, Access, Watch, and Reserve (AWaRe), along with median data, range values, and time trends from 2013 to 2021.
Methods: We obtained the compilation of antibiotics from the NEML and national formulary in Indonesia, covering the period from 2013 to 2021. These antibiotics were evaluated according to the 2021 WHO AWaRe classification database. This analysis involved determining the proportion of antibiotics in the AwaRe groups within each healthcare facility. Median data and range values for these antibiotics were also calculated. Trends in the proportion of AWaRe antibiotics were analyzed and visualized using a line chart.
Results: The Indonesian NEML includes 20 antibiotics, categorized into two tiers of healthcare settings. Of these antibiotics, 13 were access, seven were watch, and there was neither a reserve nor a not recommended antibiotic. The Indonesian national formulary includes 42 antibiotics, categorized into three tiers of healthcare settings. Of these antibiotics, 19 were access, 22 were watch, one was not recommended, and there was no reserve antibiotic. The proportion of antibiotics during the pre-and post-establishment of the WHO AWaRe in 2017 showed significant changes in the Indonesian national formulary but not in the NEML.
Conclusion: In recent years, the proportions of antibiotics in the Indonesian NEML and national formulary have varied according to the WHO AWaRe classification.