Introduction. The purpose of the paper is to study theoretical and experimental aspects of the chemical composition and quality of hemp seed products, including oxidation processes in oils, seeds and processing products. Materials and methods. Research materials are industrial hemp seeds of «Hlesiia» variety, pressed oil and oil compositions, hemp seeds kernel. The quality of the investigated materials was evaluated according to standard and industry methods and to Codex Alimentarius. Results and discussion. The obtained hemp oils by the content of fatty acids, phospholipids, vitamins A and E have high biological value, and by the content of tocopherols significantly outweigh sunflower, sesame and amaranth oils. The sample of MM60 pressed oil is preferred for antioxidant resistance. The ratio of essential fatty acids is close to ideal: Omega-6 and Omega-3 as 3.0:1-3.7:1, while in linseed oil-1:3.6. Hemp oil also contains biologically valuable gammalinolenic acid. Spectrophotometric method confirmed the presence of carotenoids and chlorophylls in pressed hemp oil. Vitamin A content in oil is 78 mg/kg, vitamin E (total)-562.8 mg/kg. Hemp oil is better stored at 8±2 °C without light access by chemical indicators. The obtained hemp oil and oil compositions are of good quality. The composition with a peroxide and acid value of less than 1 and a higher oil output is preferred. The quality of hemp seeds (without the shell) improves compared to the output seeds. The content of oil and protein increased 1.5 times, macro and microelements: phosphorus 1.5 times, ferro 1.25 times, zinc and cobalt 2 times. Hemp seeds without the shell have a high content of essential amino acids and a high content of lysine, which is usually deficient. Conclusions. It is recommended the hemp oil and hemp seeds kernel in the production of functional food.