Key words:ABSTRACT Chlorophylls Carotenoids Lycopene Xanthophylls Lutein Phenylpropanoids FlavonoidsThe chemical structure of natural dyes (chlorophylls, carotenoids and substances of phenolic nature) is considered in this study. Literature data on the existing methods of stabilizing the color of vegetable raw materials during their processing into food products is reviewed. General ways for preventing the oxidation of pigment substances of vegetable raw materials and preserving natural color of fruits and vegetables are analyzed. The authors made the conclusion about the urgency of further searching for the new methods of stabilizing plant pigments during the processing of fruits and vegetables, which will be more effective and safe. Ключові слова : хлорофіли, каротиноїди, лікопін, ксантофіли, лютеїн, феніл-пропаноїди, флавоноїди. Постановка проблеми. Колір є першою ознакою в товарознавчій оцінці, за якою характеризується якість харчового продукту. Він вказує на сенсорні