The method of mix design is an essential aspect for obtaining concrete, and the improvement of concrete properties depends on this method. For a correct mix design it is necessary that those in charge of the construction use the adequate proportions in order to obtain better results, and to guarantee the safety of the construction, since a concrete that does not comply with the specifications of the technical standards is prone to crack in a short time and to put the builders or future inhabitants of the place at risk. In view of this, it is necessary to provide information about concrete and the method of mix design to guarantee a safe civil work or building. This book is structured in five chapters; in four of them, a theoretical description is made and in another one, the research itself is developed. The topics presented are concrete; fresh and hardened concrete; mix design; concrete quality and technology, whose concept, characteristics, methods, properties, types, among other aspects, are developed. Regarding the study, the objective is to compare the incidence of the variation of the fineness modulus of the global aggregate (MFG) in the properties of the standard concrete and the concrete of f'c = 17, 21 and 28 MPa; it was concluded that the variation of the fineness modulus of the global aggregate of the standard concrete of f'c = 17, 21 and 28 MPa affects the properties of the hardened and fresh concrete.