“…In the acceleration of the development of Islamic economics and finance in the contemporary era, there are many problems raising, such as hedging (swap, forward, options), margin during contruction (MDC), profit equalization reserve (PER), trade finance and all of its problems, many of hybrid contracts cases, money market inter bank instrument, sukuk schemes, repos, syndicated financing of sharia banks or conventional loans, restructuring, indent property financing, ijarah maushufash fiz zimmah, hybrid take over and refinancing, forfeiting, overseas financing, unscured loan (Kredit Tanpa Agunan, KTA schemes), multipurpose financing, restructuring, indent property financing, ijarah maushufash fiz zimmah, hybrid take over and refinancing, forfeiting, overseas financing, KTA schemes, multi-purpose financing, restructuring, indentional property financing, ijarah maushufash fiz zimmah, hybrid take over and refinancing, forfeiting, overseas financing, KTA schemes, multipurpose financing, credit card design, ijarahmaushufashfizzimmah, hybrid take over and refinancing, forfeiting, overseas financing, KTA schemes, multi-purpose financing, credit card design, ijarah maushufash fiz zimmah bargaining, net revenue sharing, gold installments, gold investment, as well as a number of new cases that continue to emerge (Zaki, 2015;Sulaeman, 2018). All cases and the efforts of ijtihad against the economic and financial complexity of sharia today that are constantly changing and developing require a diluted analysis of philosophical and substantive analysis contained in the concept of maqashid sharia (Mysharing, 2018;Johan, et al, 2018).…”