This study discusses the narrative structure in the animated film Turning Red using Algirdas Julius Greimas' narrative theory. The purpose of this study is to find the actantial form and functional model of the story in the animated film. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The data source used is the animated film Turning Red. Collecting data using the technique of listening and noting. Data analysis was carried out with three main steps, namely data reduction, data exposure, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that: (1) the actantial form in the animated film Turning Red contained three schemes, namely when Mei turns into a red panda, she and her friends want to attend the 4town concert, and how Ming educates Mei with various rules and prohibitions. Each schema has six functions: sender, receiver, subject, object, helper, and opposant; (2) The functional model in this film is divided into initial situation, transformation stage, and final situation. It moves forward and sequentially.