Emulsifier which has aeration capability is needed in making icing sugar and cake. The aeration capability of MDAG derived from fully hydrogenated palm kernel oil which was produced by glycerolysis (furthermore in this paper we named it as MDAG) was compared to the three types of commercial emulsifiers, namely CMC, Tween-80, and ryoto ester (SP). The parameters observed were specific gravity values (for icing sugar), volume increasing and texture (for cakes). The study was arranged in a completely randomized design with 4 replications, the data obtained were analysis by ANOVA and further tests with Duncan New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT). The results showed that MDAG had better aeration capabilities than CMC and Tween-80, and slightly lower than SP. The specific gravity of icing sugar made with no emulsifier, Tween-80, MDAG and SP were 0.76; 0.58; 0.56; and 0.38 gr/cm3, respectively. MDAG's aeration capability in cake making was also quite good. The increasing volume of cake was greater than CMC and Tween-80, and slightly lower than SP. Cake texture was more compact, not too porous, and more tender.