Filled skutterudites show various interesting physical properties, such as unconventional superconductivity, anomalous magnetism, metal-insulator transition, heavy fermion behavior and so on. We have investigated the multipole ordering state of SmRu4P12 by ultrasonic measurements under extreme conditions of low temperature, high pressure and high magnetic field by pulsed method, so far. Recently, the angle dependence of the elastic constant has been measured. The elastic constant shows interesting and peculiar angle dependence below the metal-insulator transition temperature in the magnetic field. It will enable us to reveal characteristic multipole ordered state in SmRu4P12. In this paper, we will report recent status of the multipole ordered state of SmRu4P12, and discuss the recent results of our elastic constant measurements and the relation to the octupole ordering scenario proposed for this system. KEYWORDS: skutterudite; elastic constant; multipole ordering
IntroductionUltrasonic measurement is one of the most sensitive devices for investigating various properties in solids. Elastic strain introduced in solids evokes corresponding lattice distortion and couples with various degrees of freedom such as charge, quadruples and their fluctuation. The symmerized strains have the same symmetry of quadrupoles. Therefore, we can get the charge susceptibility and the quadrupole susceptibility by the elastic constant measurements. Then, the metal-insulator transition and the orbital ordering can be detected. Information on crystalline electric field (CEF) and multipoles higher than rank 2 will be also provided. The elastic strain couples with superconducting order parameter and vortices, so that their static and dynamic properties can be investigated.Ultrasonic investigations under extreme conditions provide us with various important information. We have tried to develop novel and sophisticated measurement methods for the ultrasonic experiments under extreme conditions, so far. They have been applied for the study of SmRu 4 P 12 . Ultrasonic measurement down to 20 mK has been performed using a 3 He-4 He dilution refrigerator.1 Ultrasonic measurements under hydrostatic pressure up to 1.2 GPa 2 and in pulsed magnetic field up to 35 T 3 have been carried out, so far. In this paper, we will summarize present status of the investigations on multipole ordering state in SmRu 4 P 12 , including the review on ultrasonic investigations. Then we would like to show our recent challenge to a new elastic constant measurement.