Electronic g-tensors parametrize the Zeeman splitting observed in the EPR spectra of radicals. In this work, we report g-tensor calculations for NO 2 , H 2 O ϩ , and CO ϩ at the multireference CI level. Deviations of the tensor elements ͑g-shifts͒ from the free-electron value are computed via a perturbation expansion, complete to second order in relevant Breit-Pauli terms. The g-shifts we obtain for these molecules are as follows: NO 2 : ⌬g xx ϭ3571, ⌬g yy ϭϪ10296, ⌬g zz ϭϪ537; H 2 O ϩ : ⌬g xx ϭϪ249, ⌬g yy ϭ15733, ⌬g zz ϭ4105; CO ϩ : ⌬g Ќ ϭϪ2383, ⌬g ʈ ϭϪ181 ͓all values in parts per million ͑ppm͔͒. These results are in reasonable agreement with gas phase experimental data. Larger g-shifts are typically within 20% of experiment, whereas smaller g-shifts generally differ by no more than several hundred ppm. Basis set effects and gauge dependence are examined in the case of CO ϩ . For this molecule, a good valence description is vital for achieving accurate ⌬g-values and small gauge-dependence. Polarization functions are of some use in these calculations, but diffuse functions have little effect on the gauge dependence of a cationic radical such as CO ϩ . Vibrational effects are also examined for CO ϩ . The vibrationally averaged g Ќ -shift only differs from the equilibrium value by 83 ppm.