Cultivation-dependent and -independent methods were combined to investigate the microdiversity of a Polynucleobacter subcluster population (Betaproteobacteria) numerically dominating the bacterioplankton of a small, humic freshwater pond. Complete coverage of the population by cultivation allowed the analysis of microdiversity beyond the phylogenetic resolution of ribosomal markers. Fluorescent in situ hybridization with two probes specific for the narrow subcluster C (PnecC bacteria) of the Polynucleobacter cluster revealed that this population contributed up to 60% to the total number of bacterioplankton cells. Microdiversity was investigated for a date at which the highest relative numbers of PnecC were observed. A clone library of fragments of the ribosomal operon (16S rRNA genes, complete 16S-23S internal transcribed spacer 1 [ITS1], partial 23S rRNA genes) amplified with universal bacterial primers was constructed. The library was stepwise screened for fragments from PnecC bacteria and for different ITS genotypes of PnecC bacteria. The isolated PnecC strains were characterized by sequencing of the 16S rRNA genes and the ITS1. Both the clone library and the established culture collection contained only the same three ITS genotypes, and one of them contributed 46% to the entire number of clones. Genomic fingerprinting of the isolates with several methods always resulted in the detection of only one fingerprint per ITS genotype. We conclude that a Polynucleobacter population with an extremely low intraspecific diversity and an uneven structure numerically dominated the bacterioplankton community in the investigated habitat. This low intraspecific diversity is in strong contrast to the high intraspecific diversities found in marine bacterial populations.Microdiversity of prokaryotes, i.e., the genetic diversity within species-like (Ͼ97% similarity of 16S rRNA genes) phylogenetic groups, receives increasing attention in microbial ecology (1,5,18,19,24,28); however, the ecological significance of this diversity is still unknown. The coexistence of different bacterial genotypes belonging to the same species-like phylogenetic group is well documented for marine (1,18,19,35,45) and freshwater habitats (8,9,10,11,27,30,43). Recently, Acinas et al. (1) demonstrated by the construction and analysis of 16S rRNA clone libraries that a coastal bacterioplankton community contained a very high diversity of ribotypes, the vast majority of which fell into phylogenetically microdiverse sequence clusters (Ͻ1% divergent 16S rRNA sequences). Similarly, extensive microdiversities were also observed in populations of sulfate-reducing bacteria inhabiting a salt marsh (29) and in a Vibrio splendidus population from coastal bacterioplankton (42). The V. splendidus population consisted of at least a thousand distinct genotypes, which demonstrated a high variability in genome size and allelic composition (42).The major aim of the study presented here was the investigation of the intraspecific structure (microdiversity) of a bacterial p...