Microcathodoluminescence ͑CLS͒ spectroscopy is used to probe the effect of ionizing radiation on defects inside Al gate oxide structures. Micron-scale Al-SiO 2-Si capacitors exposed to 10 keV x-ray irradiation exhibit spatially localized CLS emissions characteristic of multiple deep level traps, including positively charged oxygen-deficient centers and nonbridging oxygen hole centers ͑NBOHC͒. Irradiation produces both increases and decreases in their relative emission intensities, depending on spatial location within the oxide. These changes result in a gradient of EЈ versus NBOHC defect densities across the oxide thickness between Al and Si interfaces. These results demonstrate that x-ray irradiation-induced deep level traps can be monitored spatially in metal-oxide-semiconductor gate structures, that x-ray irradiation produces separate increases or decreases in EЈ versus NBOHC defect densities, and that these changes vary with position within the oxides.