The structure of the management system of a public transport enterprise is determined by the services of different functional load. Such a structure includes operational and technical and economic blocks. They can function effectively only on the basis of fast and correct managerial decisions concerning the structure of the management system of a public transport enterprise. The relevance of making thoughtful and well-grounded management decisions is dictated by the requirements to take into consideration many both macro- and microeconomic factors. In this regard, the introduction of modern management methods makes it possible to implement the principle «What to do in order to ...». The article is devoted to the mathematical modeling of the processes of a public transport enterprise to support management decisions in the field of effective enterprise planning. Such tasks can be implemented only with a systematic approach to the economic activity of a public transport enterprise and modeling both individual subsystems and the development of the enterprise system as a whole. The solution of the problems posed is proposed on the basis of the group arguments consideration method.