The discovery of the neutron occurred in 1932, and the first neutron diffraction experiments were performed in the late 1940s. As usage progressively increased, the neutron has become a key probe in many fields of science, and sources around the world are now oversubscribed by experimenters. The European Spallation Source (ESS), and the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS), in the United State are new, high‐intensity sources under development that attest to the importance of neutrons as a probe. Because they are uncharged, neutrons are one of the most difficult particles to detect. Only a few elements in nature have a high affinity for neutron interaction. This article is organized as follows. The fundamental reactions upon which all neutron detection relies are described. Then a series of sections describe the main techniques of neutron detection and imaging: gas‐based, scintillator based, semiconductor‐based, film and image plates, and microchannel plates. In these sections, a few applications are noted. The section next to last focuses on neutron radiography/tomography, for which scintillator detectors and image plates are the primary imaging techniques. Some important reviews from recent literature for imaging techniques and for radiography are given. Techniques for (nonimaging) neutron detection have also recently been reviewed.